Financial Rescue Plan: William Isaac, Former Chair, FDIC

Published: Feb. 10, 2009, 5:29 p.m.

b'What does the Obama Administration\'s financial industry rescue plan offer that\'s different from the Bush Administration\'s approach? Not much, says William Isaac, former FDIC Chair (1981-85).\\n\\n

In an exclusive interview, Isaac discusses:\\n\\n

What the new plan means to the banking industry;
The types of reform the industry really needs;
How and why today\'s economic crisis differs from the Great Depression and other historic downturns.

Isaac is chairman of the Secura Group, a leading financial institutions consulting firm, operating as a division of LECG. The Secura Group provides financial advisory services, strategic planning, regulatory counseling, risk-management services, strategic studies, and general management consulting for financial institutions. LECG, of which Isaac is a managing director, is one of the world\'s leading expert services firm with professionals serving Global Fortune 500 firms from offices around the world. Isaac also serves as chairman of various Isaac family real estate development companies. He writes for the American Banker and other publications and is a frequent speaker before banking groups. He is also a founding member of the American Bankers Council.'