Economics, Banking and Education: What to Expect in 2009

Published: Nov. 7, 2008, 6:23 p.m.

b"Interview with Dr. Stephen Happel of Arizona State University\\n\\n

Not only is it an interesting time to be in banking; it's an interesting time to be learning about banking.\\n\\n

Dr. Stephen Happel is Professor of Economics at Arizona State University, and he's also a longtime instructor at the Pacific Coast Banking School in Seattle. In this exclusive interview, Happel discusses:\\n\\n


  • The likely impact of the recent election on the banking industry in 2009 and beyond;
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  • The types of new regulations banking institutions can expect from their elected leaders;
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  • The potential impact of Gen Y as banking practitioners and consumers.
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Happel has been a Professor of Economics at the Arizona State University W.P Carey School of Business since 1975. He grew up in Quincy, Illinois, received a B.A. in mathematics and economics from the University of Missouri in 1969, an M.A. from Duke in 1972, and a Ph.D. in economics from Duke in 1976. In addition to visiting appointments at North Carolina State University, the Australian National University and the University of Waikato in New Zealand, Happel is founding director of the ASU School of Business Honors Program and served as Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies from 1991 to 1999.\\n\\n

His research focuses on applied microeconomics and population issues. He has written two textbooks and over 100 articles in both professional journals and popular outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, and the Arizona Republic. This work covers arguments for free-market ticket scalping, student academic dishonesty at universities, U.S. fertility rates, the rationale for slotting fees in supermarkets, and the snowbird lifestyle among retirees. \\n\\n

Happel has received a host of teaching awards at ASU, including the ASU Distinguished Teaching Award, the Burlington Northern Award, and Arizona Professor of the Year selected by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. He teaches large undergraduate classes in macroeconomics and MBA classes in managerial economics. Happel is also a long-time instructor at the Pacific Coast Banking School in Seattle and the Arizona Tax Institute. He speaks throughout the U.S. on the domestic economy and international trends, paying particular attention to generational spending patterns, to recent Federal Reserve policy, and to current tax/spending proposals by the White House and Congress."