Department of Homeland Security's Rob Pate Podcast on Protecting Country's Critical Infrastructure

Published: July 27, 2007, 5:45 p.m.

b"The Information Security Media Group offers a podcast with Rob Pate, Deputy Director of Outreach and Awareness of the National Cyber Security Division of the Department of Homeland Security. Pate explains the role of the NCSD and how it is related to the US Center for Emergency Response Team (US CERT) and its 24X 7 watch and warning center. He also talks to how NCSD helps the financial service industry and DHS's responsibilities in protecting US cyberspace. Pate also speaks to the real consequences of cyber attacks and why education is important. \\n

Listen as he describes the cyberterrorists of today as having Ph.D.-level skill sets, compared to the script kiddies of years past. He continues with his lessons learned about incident response, what are the key parts of an incident response plans and the need for sustainability of any institution's incident response plan. \\n

Pate has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to help federal agencies wage war against cyberthreats. He led efforts to develop metrics that allow agencies to compare their incident response capabilities with the best response teams. He also created the GFirst program to help first responders share best practices. Pate initiated a secure configuration project to enable agencies to find and fix security holes in commercial software. Now he leads a governmentwide deployment of a patented National Security Agency technology, which is designed to discover rogue computers the moment they connect to agency networks."