Black Hat 2007 Conference - Vendor Interviews

Published: Aug. 9, 2007, 1:10 p.m.

b"Information Security Media Group was one of the sponsors of this year's Black Hat 2007 briefing held in Las Vegas on August 1st and 2nd. Black Hat is recognized as the premier event at which to release information on newly discovered security vulnerabilities in the hacking community.\\n\\n

Forty vendors from across the United States and Europe sent representatives to demonstrate their latest product offerings, and answer the often difficult questions of how their products meet the evolving threat picture. The interviews were taken on the floor of the show by our staff.\\n\\n

Our staff noticed a broad range of offerings, including a significant increase in vendors offering web application firewalls and web application vulnerability scanners. We had the opportunity to sit down with a number of vendors to get their take on the issues facing the banking and finance industry and to ask them about evolving threats and compliance solutions.\\n\\n

The interviews were conducted with the firms' lead developers, chief scientists, or executives. We hope you will find them informative, whether you are looking for information on vendor offerings or are interested in the latest challenges facing our industry. Please note that we are not endorsing any particular products or services, we are just reporting their take on the market and emerging solutions."