Banking Regulators on Identity Theft Red Flags Rule Compliance

Published: July 16, 2008, 3:07 p.m.

b'More ID Theft Red Flags Survey Resources\\n\\nExcerpt of a Q&A with William Henley of OTS and Jeff Kopchik of FDIC\\n\\n

In conjunction with the recent Identity Theft Red Flags Rule Roundtable webinar, we conducted an interview session with William Henley of OTS and Jeff Kopchik of FDIC. Topics ranged from:\\n

  • What should institutions expect on Nov. 1? \\n
  • What have been the biggest compliance challenges? \\n
  • What should institutions pay most attention to re: Identity Theft Red Flags? \\n

This is an excerpt of that Q&A session. To hear the entire dialogue, please register for the Identity Theft Red Flags Rule webinar, which also features practitioners\' perspectives on compliance, as well as our own new survey results on where banking institutions stand in their efforts to meet the Nov. 1 compliance deadline.'