Interviews Gary McGraw on His Thoughts of Information Security at Financial Institutions

Published: Jan. 24, 2007, 8:56 p.m.

b'A world authority on software and application security, Gary McGraw, PhD and CTO of Cigital, carries the software security torch. Over the past 11 years his six books on the subject of software security seem to have touched off a revolution. Security people who once relied solely on firewalls, intrusion detection, and antivirus mechanisms came to understand and embrace the necessity of better software. Author of more than 90 peer reviewed technical publications, he is a principal investigator working with the Air Force Research Labs, DARPA, National Science Foundation and NIST’s Advanced Technology Program. He also is an advisor to top U.S. university computer science departments, and sits on the IEEE Board of Governors.\\n\\n

In this interview McGraw discusses with the state of information security in the financial services industry, pervasive computing, the trusted computing initiative, cyber threats on the horizon for financial institutions, software security, information security for mid and smaller institutions; Vista -- Microsoft’s new OS, and Google’s code search capabilities.'