Automated Compliance: Making the Case and Reaping the Rewards

Published: Dec. 3, 2008, 8:30 p.m.

b'Interview with Dwayne Melancon, VP of Corporate and Business Development, Tripwire\\n\\n

Regulatory compliance - it\'s the priority that never goes away for banking institutions. And in today\'s economy, it\'s the lynchpin of the safety and soundness that customers need to see to retain confidence.\\n\\n

In this exclusive interview, Dwayne Melancon of Tripwire discusses:\\n

  • The five core competencies of regulatory compliance;

  • How to build a business case for - and derive ROI from - automated compliance;

  • Regulatory compliance trends to watch for in 2009.\\n

Dwayne Melancon joined Tripwire in 2000 and serves as Tripwire\'s Vice President of Corporate and Business Development leading the company\'s strategic partnerships and alliances. In previous positions at the company, He was vice president of Professional Services and Support, Information Systems, and Marketing.\\n\\n

Melancon is certified on both IT management and audit processes, possessing both ITIL Foundations and CISA certifications.'