2009 Security Agenda: Interview with Industry Expert Steve Katz

Published: Dec. 16, 2008, 8:42 p.m.

b'Looking ahead to 2009, banking/security guru Steve Katz quotes the ancient proverb: "May you live in interesting times."\\n\\n

With a new administration, new banking landscape and regulatory changes expected, we live in interesting times, indeed. In an exclusive interview, Katz discusses:\\n\\n

The biggest banking/security stories of 2008;
What banking institutions must do to strengthen customer confidence in 2009;
What we might expect in terms of regulatory change from the Obama administration and Democratic Congress.

The world\'s first Chief Information Security Officer, Steve Katz is a prominent figure in the network security discipline. Since 1985, he has served as the senior security executive for Citibank/Citigroup, JP Morgan, and most recently Merrill Lynch - and has been a force in raising the visibility and shaping the direction of the security industry at industry and government levels.\\n\\n

Deeply respected within both the financial services and security industries, Katz has testified to Congress on information security issues and was appointed as the Financial Services Sector Coordinator for Critical Infrastructure Protection by the Secretary of the Treasury.\\n\\n

Other credentials include: Founder and Chairman of the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center; Chairman of the American Bankers Association Information Systems Security Committee; Vice Chair, Financial Services Roundtable-BITS Security and Risk Assessment Committee; member of the New York Clearinghouse Banks Data Security Officers Committee; and member of the Securities Industry Association Information Security Committee.'