The Last of Us - S01E05 - Endure and Survive - Feedback

Published: Feb. 16, 2023, 9:08 p.m.

Jim and A.Ron put their science hats on to answer your questions and come up with some head canons where answers are lacking. Can bloaters have a midlife crisis? Do practical effects save money? How is FEDRA still operating across the separate quarantine zones? Why is Kathleen the way that she is? Find out the answers to these questions and more!\nThoughts? Feedback? Can Joel help his asshole voice? Tell us at\xa0\nSupport Bald Move:\xa0Club Bald Move\nJoin the discussion:\xa0Email\xa0|\xa0Discord\xa0|\xa0Reddit\xa0|\xa0Forums\nFollow us: Twitch | YouTube |\xa0Twitter\xa0|\xa0Instagram\xa0|\xa0Facebook\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit