House of the Dragon - S02E01 - A Son for A Son - Feedback

Published: June 20, 2024, 8:28 p.m.

King Jimhaerys and Ser A.Ron have received your ravens and are ready to discuss your feedback. Where was the Kingsguard? Is there a psychic link between dragons and their riders? Whose war crimes are you going to support? Find out if your question sparks debate. Keep it leal!\nSend feedback to!\nBadass Fest VI Tickets HERE\nTheme song: Game of Thrones (80's TV Theme) by Highway Superstar\nSupport Bald Move: \xa0Club Bald Move\nLeave Us A Review on Apple Podcasts\nJoin the discussion: \xa0Email \xa0|\xa0 Discord\xa0 |\xa0 Reddit\xa0 |\xa0 Forums\nFollow us: Twitch | YouTube |\xa0Twitter \xa0| \xa0Instagram \xa0| \xa0Facebook\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit