Q&A: Should I short sell? Is Spaceship good? Stock Splits & investing for a child

Published: Oct. 5, 2020, 4:30 a.m.

In this Q&A episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate & Owen crack open the podcast inbox. Owen puts his analyst hat on and explains share splits and how short selling actually works, Kate checks in with Spaceship Voyager to find out exactly where client money is held. Grab a cup of coffee and tune into our latest Q&A episode. Other questions answered:

  • I have $80k in Super but I want to change Super funds. Do I need to pay attention to share prices?
  • Is Apple's stock split a bad thing and how do ETFs respond to them?
  • What's the best way to invest for your children?

Send your questions for future Q&A episodes our way at podcast@rask.com.au

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