XF: 12 Rites Of Passage by Paula Graves - Chapter 3 - MA

Published: Aug. 14, 2023, 10 a.m.

Story: 12 Rites of Passage\nAuthor: Paula Graves aka Anne Haynes\nRating: MA\nSite link: http://theiinfbi.xphilefic.com/12Rites.html\nRead by: pianogirlxf\n\nSummary: Mulder and Scully seek a missing woman and discover frightening truths about their pasts.\n\n***Every effort was made to reach out to this author for permission but we weren't able to make contact. In the event they were to reach out to us and request it, this will be taken down and as such this track will NOT be available for download. Should contact be made and permission given, the option to download will be offered.***