Do Not Fear, for I Am With You - Episode #375

Published: March 13, 2020, 1 a.m.


Fear, weariness, concern, cynicism, frustration seems to define the mood and emotions of many today. We hear of war and violence, corona virus, financial crisis, devastating storms and tornadoes, moral collapse amongst youth, a loss of faith for many young adults, and we are tempted to tremble in our boots, or to be filled with despair.

Yet, scripture speaks to us over and over again about God\\u2019s desire to protect us, to be present with us, to respond to our prayers, to crush the wicked. Over 80 times in scripture we read, \\u201cFear Not!\\u201d and the verse above is one of my favorite \\u201cfear not\\u201d verses that I learned when I was a very young believer.
