5 Practices to reduce job-loss anxiety

Published: Jan. 1, 2021, 6 p.m.

EP 4:  Losing one's job is never easy.  It takes a tremendous toll both financially and emotionally.  But what rarely gets talked about is simply dealing with the anxiety of job loss.  How do we handle the fear of losing that gig, that contract, that client?  With more and more freelancing coming into play each year, more and more people have to deal with this anxiety, with few people willing to talk about it.  In this episode, I'm going to discuss 5 practices that have helped my anxiety as a full-time creative.  

  1. Build Your Emergency Fund
  2. Reach out to current and prospective clients
  3. Work on personal projects
  4. Talk to someone outside your family
  5. Be kind to yourself


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