3 Things to ask yourself before going self-employed

Published: Jan. 1, 2021, 3 p.m.

EP 2:  The move to self-employment comes with some amazing benefits but it isn't a decision to be made lightly.  There are no educational or financial requirements for one to meet before branching off on your own.  There isn't even a required amount of experience before pursuing one's own business.  So how are we supposed to know when we are ready?  Consider asking yourself the following 3 questions if you're complementing this move.

  1. Am I ok with uncertainty?
  2. Am I ok with shooting 10% of the time?
  3. Am I being 'pushed' or am I being 'pulled' into self-employment?

In this episode, we'll dive into what these questions shed light on in your decision-making process so that you can live your best creative life. 


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