Mind Over Matter with Mike Lee x Columbia Tatone | AD 180

Published: Oct. 11, 2020, 9:05 p.m.



About Mike: Mike Lee is a world-ranked professional boxer who has fought in some of the world\\u2019s most iconic arenas like Madison Square Garden, Cowboys Stadium & The MGM Grand in front of millions of fans. In 2014 Mike was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, ankylosing spondylitis, that almost ended his career. In and out of hospitals for over two years he became tired of all the medications and treatments. Mike began searching for all-natural alternatives which lead him to discover CBD and all of its incredible physical and mental benefits! Using his background in finance and business, Mike felt that creating Soul CBD would be the perfect way to share his knowledge while helping others to defeat whatever battles with the pain they may be facing.

Columbia Tatone is an American film director, writer, producer, and photographer. Known for her dynamic cinematic action and relational, relevant storytelling, she often features unique elements of sci-fi in her work. Tatone studied Jazz at Berklee\'s College of Music in Boston and later received her Business degree at Vanguard University. As a commercial, music video, and narrative director, Columbia empowers her audience through eye-popping, thought-provoking action sequences. As a champion for women and the underrepresented, Tatone often uses her work to promote social justice while also taking us into different realities that highlight the emotional scar tissue of life.

Topics Discussed In This Episode:

  • Fight and flight mode
  • The state of flow
  • The fullness of living out your destiny
  • Mike\\u2019s early stages of boxing
  • Performing with gratitude and happiness
  • Mike\\u2019s autoimmune illness
  • Empathy and wellness
  • Grit
  • Eastern Medicine
  • Looking at pain as a gift
  • Mind over body
  • Reprogramming of your mind
  • How COVID has put everyone on an equal playing field
  • Identity
  • Mike\\u2019s work with his company \\u201cSoul CBD\\u201d


Mike\\u2019s \\xa0Instagram

Soul CBD\\u2019s Instagram

Columbia\\u2019s Instagram

