Black Dawn - Chapter 25: Revenge of Grief

Published: Sept. 4, 2021, 7 a.m.


Thunderclap challenges Runamuck in the skies, as Turim\\u2019s allies battle more than dragons inside the walls of Grendelock Keep.


Armageddon TM and its characters and story are copyright Terry Tibke. All rights reserved.


Music & SFX


[The Brotherhood] by X, [Documentary] by Royalty Free Music, [The Terminator Gladiator (Senatic Theme)] by Jerry Howard, [Powerful Epic Copyright Free Music] via Tunetank, [Death] by XX, [The Devil\\u2019s Cell] via XX, [Torn] by David Fesliyan, [Of Elias\\u2019 Dram] by Bensound, [Final Boss] by Myuu, [Blood Pumping] by David Fesliyan, [Various Others] via Storyblocks Audio


Crow Call, Single, A.wav by InspectorJ, ratSqueak.wav by Zabuhailo, More Dragon Sounds and Other Mystical Creatures by Thomas Sarnari ,[See Previous Episodes for all other effects]


Jake Utter [Voice Actor] - Voices Turim Gliderlance


Andrew Embers [Voice Actor] - Voices Sand Rocketblade


Demetrius Hazel [Voice Actor] - Voices Lasertooth, Bartlett, and Darf Bloodshedder


Kobe Markworth [Voice Actor] - Voices Grandmaster Strongthorn, Thunderclap, Breed, and Gulanis


Sean Valley [Voice Actor] - Voices Strevan Pickaxe and Dithkanir


Hayley Craig [Voice Actress] - Voices Jaffrine Maplebow


Morgana LeFaye [Voice Actress]- Voices Tartara Silverwing


Tallent [Voice Actor] - Voices General Panthis Obsidianfist


JJtheJetvox [Voice Actor] - Voices Meineken Shadowstar and Aruthil


Brittanie Arwen [Voice Actor] - Voices Sinfa Songbird


Ben Habel [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Voices Lakalith Paledust, Admiral Peelwarden


Maia Harlap [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Voices Lala Truffleroot, Kithria Wraithchasm, and Ryuki Purplefist


Aaron Anderson [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Voices Aldor Steelaxe and Dark Elves


Chris Bellinger [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Voices Gundak, Percin and Dwarf extras


Alexander Doddy [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Voices Rail Markrune


Callum Garner [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Voices Gewurmarch Rottbone


Dio Kerr [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Voices Dustorn and Hiryoto Dragonfright


Jerron Bacat [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Goblins, Voices Artho, Ninjas, Dark Elves, Extras


Big Boy Buff Boy [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Goblins, Hao Grimswallow, Extras


Brandon Woodcock [Voice Actor] \\u2013 Goblins, Clergy, Extras

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