Sunday In September To Remember

Published: Sept. 16, 2020, 2 a.m.

Did you miss us? We are back here on a brisk Tuesday night with a lot to talk about. Ray and I begin our conversation tonight by talking about the our fundraiser and our goals with how much money we would like to donate by the end of October. After that we get back to what feels right. Thats football on a sunday sitting In front of 93 tv's eating buffalo chicken dip and watching our fantasy teams and hard earned money sputter down the drain. After we give our takeaways Ray gives me his bikini size and begins his mental preparation for bikini szn. NBA basketball Is still rolling believe It or not and we got our predicitions moving forward. Funday Fan of the week Zack Shaw shoots us some questions and we answer the biggest question of them all ;) Finally, the Yankees look good again and Im going to sleep happy tonight. Download, Download, and oh yeah.... Download. LET THE FUNDAYS ROLL MIS AMIGOS.