Bruce Arians Is A FRAUD. Thats it. Happy Thanksgiving.

Published: Nov. 25, 2020, midnight

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. The title says It all for this show. We start by talking about this Tampa Bay Bucs team. Are they the real deal? Who Is to blame for this madness? Is It Tom Brady? Bruce Arians? It gets spicy. The NFL playoff race Is beginning to heat up and we discuss what teams are real super bowl contenders. College basketball Is set to comeback tomorrow night and for the first time In a long time something Is very very different In the preseason rankings. NBA free agency has basically came and gone so who came out stronger and Gordon Hayward was a complete waste of money. Check Joey out tomorrow 11/25 from 3pm-7pm on ESPN Radio 104.5 The Team doing the same thang he does here. Enjoy your thanksgiving everyone and let the fundays roll.