EP182 The Weekend Effect: Why your time off is worth fighting for (with Katrina Onstad)

Published: Nov. 10, 2019, 5 p.m.


The history of the weekend is a fascinating one, and author Katrina Onstad is here to tell us why (and how) workers\\u2019 rights have evolved over time. She shares the ancient concept of rest from working hours, and describes how the encroachment of work on our personal lives changed with industrialization, and changed again now that technology keeps us connected 24/7.

Katrina also shares some systemic changes we can make in schools to fight the culture of overwork, and shares practical things you can do to get the benefit of \\u201cthe weekend effect\\u201d and maximize your time off to create a true break. To learn more, get Katrina\'s book, "The Weekend Effect: The Life-Changing Benefits of Taking Time Off and Challenging the Cult of Overwork."

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