Billionaire Who Ages Backwards & Lets AI Control His Life | Bryan Johnson

Published: Feb. 21, 2024, 3:15 p.m.

b"yerrrr Bryan Johnson came through to Flagrant to explain how he is letting an AI Algorithm control his every decision, what he's doing to reverse his age, why he's doing all of this and ultimately why 'dont' die' is what humanity NEEDS to focus on. INDULGE!\\n\\n00:00 Intro\\n00:44 Death might be a maybe + AI might unlock everything\\n08:52 What can the average person do?\\n13:28 Aiming for \\u201cDon\\u2019t die\\u201d + Super Intelligence\\n18:42 Biographies being a real look into the past\\n21:02 How one night in Brooklyn changed it all\\n24:29 Where to go next, out of sync + mapping the brain\\n35:45 Difficulties in reversing aging + posture brings huge benefits\\n40:23 Man created god + \\u201cdon\\u2019t die\\u201d is ultimate co-operation\\n49:15 What does 10-20 years look like? Let\\u2019s play a game\\n57:30 Paradigm shifts, zeroth thinking + AI to benefit us\\n1:10:48 By not dying, we recreate god\\n1:13:31 Seizing power from the mind\\n1:17:49 Having a cheat day + Bryan\\u2019s never been happier\\n1:22:29 Why wouldn\\u2019t you want the best? Resist first then enforce completely \\n1:33:32 Changing society\\u2019s incentive structure + How close are we to the end?\\n1:40:41 How do we align with AI\\u2019s own interests?\\n1:47:12 This is about AI + experiment in singularity\\n1:55:37 Pushback + reversing the decay\\n2:04:30 Electrocuting your penis + benefits\\n2:10:20 Sleep being everything + real, tangible benefits\\n2:15:55 Importance of friendship\\n2:19:55 Principles for good sleep + filtering yourself\\n2:29:08 Ozempic is an algorithm + olive oil is the truth\\n2:32:53 AI is designing our drugs + we can engineer all reality\\n2:37:42 Gene therapy for the gains + it\\u2019s here now\\n2:45:32 Concern about food safety + bringing food on travels\\n2:51:06 Relationships are tough + flexibility\\n2:55:09 We\\u2019re truly close to a revolution"