1784. Music/songs. News. Interview. (07/05/22)

Published: July 6, 2022, 7:29 a.m.

b"For Educational and inspirational purposes. The Artists, Author, Creators and Producers own their content and music/songs.\\u2606\\u2606Discretion is advised.\\u2606\\u2606 May not be suitable for some audiences. \\u2606\\u2606\\u2606 Mass shootings in Higland Park, Illinois on 07/04/22 updates. Death toll still rising, (7) deaths & atleast 38 injured as of 07/05/22. Alledged mass shooter, charged with (7) counts of murder, Robert Krimo III, over 70 rounds of shots fired.\\u2606\\u2606Akron, Ohio Police shot and killed an unarmed black man (90) or more times according to the family's Attorneys. \\u2606\\u26061960's interview of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. \\u2606\\u2606Stay Safe out there everyone. \\u2606\\u2606Thank you kindly for listening to this global family village podcast for the past two years and sharing the podcast on your social media. Appreciate your support!! Pull up to fresh new episodes in season 3."