1470. Book Preview. Health and Wellness updates. 12/29/21

Published: Dec. 30, 2021, 12:51 a.m.

b'"The Sum of Us: what racism costs everyone of us," by Heather McGhee. \\u2606\\u2606Reposted from the Play books: \\u201cThis is the book I\\u2019ve been waiting for.\\u201d\\u2014Ibram X. Kendi, #1 New York Times bestselling author of "How to Be an Antiracist." \\n\\nHeather McGhee\\u2019s specialty is the American economy\\u2014and the mystery of why it so often fails the American public. From the financial crisis of 2008 to rising student debt to collapsing public infrastructure, she found a root problem: racism in our politics and policymaking. But not just in the most obvious indignities for people of color. Racism has costs for white people, too. It is the common denominator of our most vexing public problems, the core dysfunction of our democracy and constitutive of the spiritual and moral crises that grip us all. But how did this happen? And is there a way out?\\n\\nMcGhee embarks on a deeply personal journey across the country from Maine to Mississippi to California, tallying what we lose when we buy into the zero-sum paradigm\\u2014the idea that progress for some of us must come at the expense of others. Along the way, she meets white people who confide in her about losing their homes, their dreams, and their shot at better jobs to the toxic mix of American racism and greed. This is the story of how public goods in this country\\u2014from parks and pools to functioning schools\\u2014have become private luxuries; of how unions collapsed, wages stagnated, and inequality increased; and of how this country, unique among the world\\u2019s advanced economies, has thwarted universal healthcare.\\n\\nBut in unlikely places of worship and work, McGhee finds proof of what she calls the Solidarity Dividend: the benefits we gain when people come together across race to accomplish what we simply can\\u2019t do on our own. "The Sum of Us" is not only a brilliant analysis of how we arrived here but also a heartfelt message, delivered with startling empathy, from a black woman to a multiracial America. It leaves us with a new vision for a future in which we finally realize that life can be more than a zero-sum game" ....(End of \\u2606\\u2606 of Repost)...The Authors, Creators and Producers own their books, opinions, views, commentary, podcast, statistics, science, and content. \\u2606\\u2606\\u2606Topics include herd immunity, Vaccines, coronaviruses and the end of the pandemic. \\u2606\\u2606Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. \\u2606\\u2606Discretion is advised. \\u2606\\u2606May not be suitable for some audiences.\\u2606\\u2606Preston Sprinkle You Tube interview with Dr. Martin Kulldorff, pro-vaccines, Statistician, Epidemiologist, Virologist, Harvard Professor of Medicine and one of the authors of "The Great Barrington Declaration." For Educational Purposes Only. The Authors, Podcasters, Professor, Medical Doctor, Creators and Producers own their music/songs, content, statistics, facts, opinions, views, commentary, and worldviews.'