Battles in Fandom Winners Final: Featuring Philip Hawkins, Josh Carr and Joel Johnson

Published: Jan. 13, 2023, 7 a.m.

b"Join us as our three previous winners, Phil, Josh and Joel come together and fight like the dirty Whovians they are.\\xa0\\nYou do not want to miss this long-awaited finale! 1) What's the best multi doctor story?\\n2) What's the Best episode of Doctor Who to watch on a first date?\\n3) If a Hollywood studio were to make a new Doctor Who movie in the style of the Peter Cushing films, who would you cast as the Doctor and what story would you adapt? \\n4) Early 70s DW took from the Quatermass series and the revival looked towards Buffy the vampire slayer. What property should the show look to for inspiration today? \\n5) Which Doctor swapped into another Doctor's story would make the best episode?"