Battles In Fandom 3: Featuring @PigginTeaBreak @PoorlyAgedWho and @ShoutingHeads

Published: Aug. 25, 2022, 11 a.m.


And we are back with Episode 3 of this superb show!


Join Jack and Robin as they attempt to judge the closest battle yet as Jude, Joel and Ben butt heads arguing over the popular family sci-fi drama 'Doccy Who'.


This one is so tense you'll be pooping diamonds. 


Round Questions. 


1: What is the best 3rd Doctor story?   


2. Which Doctor would be the best at speed dating?   


3. What monster from the classic series who has returned in the new series do you think was a mistake to resurrect?  


4. Early 70s DW took from the Quatermass series and the revival looked towards Buffy the vampire slayer. What property should the show look to for inspiration today?   


5) What is the most politically progressive serial of classic Who?
