You Cant Handle the Truth: Rising Sea Levels and the Law

Published: April 15, 2018, 11:27 a.m.

In episode 64 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with Margaret Peloso, of the law firm Vinson and Elkins.\xa0 Margaret shares insights from her book Adapting to Rising Sea Levels: Legal Challenges and Opportunities. Doug and Margaret dig into topics such as the conversion of private land to public land as the oceans rise; adaptation and the public trust doctrine; coastal Superfund sites and corporate responsibility; will eminent domain drive coastal planning in the years ahead and much more!

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Topics discussed in this episode:

  • The public trust and sea level rise;
  • Legal precedent and sea level rise;
  • A new definition of private property;
  • Sea level rise and Superfund sites;
  • Policy versus the law as an adaptation strategy;
  • The legal definition of resilience;
  • Adaptation law as a profession;
  • The advantages and perils of using eminent domain for coastal planning;
  • Favorite lawyer movies and favorite lawyer jokes.

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Links in episode:
From the NYT on chemical plants:
Predictive tools on SLR to assist the corporate community:
EPA\u2019s page on Superfund and climate change:
AP article on superfund sites prone to flooding (has a great interactive map):
Australia Adaptation Summit

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Podcast Music produce by Richard Haitz Productions
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Producer Dan Ackerstein
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