Voxs David Roberts: Bearded Middle-Aged White Dude talks Climate Adaptation

Published: Sept. 26, 2017, 11:29 a.m.

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David Roberts Quotes:

  • \u201cPeople\u2019s gut impressions and instincts are not reliable guides to social policy.\u201d
  • \u201cWe need to be all guns blazing on mitigation.\u201d
  • The only people capable of changing the minds of the right wing base on climate change...is right wing elites. There\u2019s no set of magical words that environmentalists can say to break this spell of denialism\u2026\u201d

In episode 51 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with famed climate and energy writer David Roberts of Vox online news (and formerly of Grist).\xa0 David discusses his transition from his long time perch at Grist to the much bigger platform at Vox.\xa0 Doug and David then dig into recent hurricane media coverage; the morality of climate mitigation versus adaptation; and the near hopeless politics of climate change. It\u2019s a dense, fascinating and humorous discussion.

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In this Episode:

HURRICANE MEDIA \u2013 Doug and David talk about how the media has covered the two recent hurricanes and if it\u2019s an appropriate to talk about climate change during storm coverage. We also discuss if Rush Limbaugh had a point in his criticism of hurricane coverage.

GRIST TO VOX \u2013 David shares his writing history, starting at Grist environmental news (and the freedom Grist gave him to \u2018ponder\u2019 subjects for writing), to Vox and he also explains the challenges of producing regular content at a much more deadline driven news shop like Vox.\xa0

SURE, LET\u2019S ADAPT \u2013 We discuss why David \u2018has it in for adaptation.\u2019 He describes his evolution of thinking on the subject and he explains the moral case for both mitigation and adaptation

ADAPTATION POLITICS \u2013 Doug and David discuss:\xa0 Who will own adaptation politically, Republicans (if and when they come around on climate change) or Democrats?\xa0

FORTRESS AMERICA \u2013 David describes how getting people to abandon their homes due to climate change will require a huge level of trust between government and people, a trust clearly lacking now.\xa0 David also explains that when climate impacts come into full view, we\u2019ll likely pull inward as a country and protect ourselves in \u2018fortress America.\u2019

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