The U.S. Department of Defense Adapts to Climate Change - The Podcast

Published: July 25, 2023, 12:13 a.m.

In episode 189 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons attended the U.S. Department of Defense\xa0Climate Resilience Workshop in St. Louis, Missouri. The DoD extended an invitation to Doug to conduct interviews with key leaders within the DoD and their external partners who are actively involved in adaptation planning around military installations. The conference attracted over 900 experts specializing in adaptation.\xa0 During the event, Doug had the opportunity to interview three Assistant Secretaries from the DoD, as well as representatives from prominent corporate partners like ICF and Deloitte. Additionally, he spoke with NGO partners such as Environmental Defense Fund and the National Wildlife Federation. The interviews shed light on the specific security challenges posed by climate change to our national defense.\xa0 Listeners will gain valuable insights into how different organizations and companies engage with the DoD to develop effective resilience planning. Moreover, the interviews underscore the importance of robust adaptation planning to safeguard military readiness amidst the impacts of climate change.

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Experts interviewed (in order of appearance):

  • Marissa McInnis, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Energy, Installations, and Environment
  • Brendan Owen, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment
  • Jessica Yllemo, Director, Climate Security Programs, American Security Project
  • Bruce Stein, Chief Scientist and Associate Vice President of the National Wildlife Federation
  • Michelle Lovejoy, Senior Manager, Climate Resilient Coasts & Watersheds North Carolina, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Rachel Jacobson, Assistant Secretary of the United States Army Installations, Energy and Environment
  • Tahirih Linz, Business Development Director: Climate, Energy, Transportation, ICF
  • Josh Sawislak, Managing Director, Sustainability and Climate, Deloitte
  • Dr. Ravi Chaudhary, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Energy, Installations, and Environment, Department of the Air Force\xa0
  • Katie Retka, Senior Planner state of Minnesota

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Links in this episode

The U.S. Department of Defense Climate Resilience Workshop Agenda

Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation:\xa0

Readiness and Environmental Protection and Integration Program:\xa0

The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment Climate Program:\xa0

Department of Defense Climate Assessment Tool-Domestic version\xa0

Department of Defense Climate Assessment Tool- International version:\xa0

National Wildlife Federation Climate Adaptation for DoD Natural Resource Managers

New climate data reveals warmer, wetter future for the US: In this new report, we use ICF\u2019s cutting-edge climate risk analytics platform, ClimateSight, to crunch new internationally recognized climate data. We project warmer and wetter extreme weather in the future across the continental United States. In a worst-case scenario, Americans could experience on average up to 53 days with temperatures above 95\xb0 F and 3.5 inches of precipitation during extreme three-day precipitation events by midcentury.

National Climate Assessment webinar: In anticipation of the release of the 5th National Climate Assessment, which ICF helps the USGCRP implement, we hosted a webinar with the Director of the National Climate Assessment, Allison Crimmins, about the draft 5th National Climate Assessment and the impacts of climate change on regions across the country.

The ICF Climate Center: This is ICF\u2019s hub for original, data-driven reports on climate change and lessons learned from our flagship climate work across the country. This is a free resource we offer to help organizations achieve their climate goals.

The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership

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If you are interested in having Doug speak at corporate and conference events, sharing his unique, expert perspective on adaptation in an entertaining and informative way, more information can be found

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