The Great Climate Migration: A Podcast with Dr. Matt Hauer

Published: Oct. 13, 2017, 12:48 a.m.

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In episode 52 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with demographer Dr. Matt Hauer from the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia.\xa0 Doug and Matt discuss his research paper on the role of future sea level rise on future migration within the United States. Matt explains the origins of the paper and how the popular media responded to his provocative conclusions \u2013 up to 13 million coastal residents may be displaced by the end of the century.\xa0

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In this Episode:

DEMOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE CHANGE \u2013 Matt discussed his background in demography at the University of Georgia and the origins of his research paper on sea level rise and its role in coastal migration.

HOW HIGH? \u2013 Matt explains the process of selecting certain sea level rise projections for his landmark paper.\xa0 Doug and Matt explore some of the controversy of his SLR projections.

THE MEDIA RESPONDS - Matt shares the challenges and excitement of a paper that receives widespread media attention.\xa0 Matt shares some thoughts for a follow up research paper.

ACUTE VS CHRONIC - Can hurricane serve as a real time lesson on the impacts of coastal inundation? Matt explains the differences between \u2018acute\u2019 climatic events like hurricanes versus \u201cchronic\u201d climate events like sea level rise.

RELEVANCE - Matt explains how the implications of his paper can inform long term decision making today.\xa0 Planners and elected officials can use these projections on long term planning decisions.

GATORS VS SEMINOLES \u2013 Doug, who attended UF, explains to Florida State graduate Matt, that the Gators are generally a superior football team.

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