Speak up for Science and for Oceans: Podcaster Andrew Lewin from Speak Up for Blue visits America Adapts

Published: April 24, 2017, 6:08 p.m.

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In episode 38 of America Adapts, I talk with fellow podcaster Andrew Lewin of Speak Up For Blue!\xa0 Andrew\u2019s podcast focuses on all things related to ocean conservation \u2013 he\u2019s \u2018speaking up\u2019 for the oceans! Andrew and I talk about the multitude of topics he covers and the diverse set of ocean experts he gets on the show. In the second half of the episode, Andrew, who\u2019s Canadian, walks us through their own War on Science that occurred under their previous Prime Minister.\xa0 The timing is perfect, with the just completed March for Science reminding us the importance of science, Andrew gives a much needed pep talk, and walks through the actions, both large and small, that their government took to stifle Canadian research.\xa0 It\u2019s an important listen and we have much to learn from our northern neighbor!\xa0

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Show highlights:

  • SPEAK UP FOR OCEANS \u2013 Doug introduces Andrew Lewin, the host of Speak up for Blue, a podcast dedicated to protecting our oceans. Andrew explains the history of the podcast and what his long term goals are for it.
  • OCEAN EXPERTS TALK \u2013 Andrew describes the process of recruiting guests for the podcast and the evolution of SUFB becoming a premiere platform to discuss ocean conservation.
  • CANADIAN WAR ON SCIENCE - Andrew describes in captivating detail, Canada\u2019s own recent experience of science being under attack by politicians. He describes how it happened, what strategies were used to stifle science, and the recent change in government that has since liberated their scientists to speak out more.
  • MARCH FOR SCIENCE \u2013 Doug and Andrew discuss the present environment for science in the United States and what we can learn from the Canadian experience. Andrew gives a pep talk on what US scientists can do to counter the muzzling of their work and how we can avoid some of the problems the Canadians encountered.

Links in episode:

Podcast: http://www.speakupforblue.com/podcast
iHeart Radio: http://www.speakupforblue.com/iHeartRadio
Website: http://www.speakupforblue.com/
You Tube: http://www.speakupforblue.com/YouTube
Twitter: @speakupforblue
Instagram: @speakupforblue
FB group: http://www.speakupforblue.com/group

Coming up next week on America Adapts, I interview Barrett Ristroph, an environmental lawyer specializing in tribal law. Barrett is based in Alaska and will talk about how tribal communities are grappling with climate impacts and the legal and planning complexities of moving these at threat communities.\xa0 Adaptation law is an emerging discipline and Barrett walks us through some of the thornier issues

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For more information on this podcast, visit the website at http://www.americaadapts.org and don't forget to subscribe to this podcast on Itunes. \xa0

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