RAND Corporation Adapts to Climate Change

Published: May 22, 2017, 9:03 p.m.

In episode 42 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with Dr. Benjamin Preston, the Senior Director of the Infrastructure Resilience and Environmental Policy Program at the RAND Corporation.

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WHAT IS RAND?\xa0 Doug and Ben discuss RAND and its background as a military think tank and its evolution as a key player in adaptation and resilience research and planning.

FROM OZ TO OAK RIDGE \u2013 Ben discusses his experiences working on climate change issues in Australia, all the way to Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Ben also grades adaptation efforts in Australia and the US!

THE ONE PERCENT CLIMATE CHANGE DOCTRINE - Doug and Ben discuss worst case scenarios with climate change and RAND\u2019s approach to these issues. We also discuss the \u2018one percent doctrine\u2019 approach to adaptation planning and if there are similarities to planning for terrorism as there is to climate change.

ADAPTATION ELEVATOR SPEECH \u2013 Ben takes a crack at his own 30 second adaptation elevator speech. Doug and Ben discuss the challenges of communicating adaptation research and planning to the general public.

CASE STUDIES \u2013 Ben describes some of the case study work at RAND - in cities like Pittsburgh and in Israel \u2013 with resilience and adaptation planning.\xa0 We also discuss the difficulties of going from planning to actual adaptation implementation. How does one evaluate effective adaptation?

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