Keeping History Above Water St. Augustine, Cultural Heritage and Sea Level Rise

Published: May 21, 2019, 4:08 a.m.

In episode 90 of America Adapts, host Doug Parsons travels to beautiful Saint Augustine, Florida for the Keeping History Above Water conference.\xa0 Doug interviews experts on the threat of sea level rise to cultural resources. Learn the innovative, proactive approaches the city of St. Augustine is taking to address sea level rise. The conference highlights the specific examples of adaptation planning that are happening at the local community level.\xa0 Discover how historic preservation will be a key catalyst for adapting the built environment to climate change. Learn how the Keeping History Above Water series is challenging the historic preservation sector to factor in the enormous challenges of sea level rise. \xa0

This episode of America Adapts was generously sponsored by Sponsored by the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, Flagler College, and the University of Florida.

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Link to the presentation Doug Parsons did at Flagler College on \u201cHow to podcast\u201d prior to the conference.

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Podcast Music produce by Richard Haitz Productions
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