Flood, Rebuild, Repeat - A podcast with NRDCs Rob Moore

Published: Oct. 28, 2019, 1:20 a.m.

In episode 99 of\xa0America Adapts, host Doug Parsons talks with Rob Moore, the Director of the Water and Climate Team at NRDC, the Natural Resources Defense Council. Doug and Rob talk about flooding and the bureaucratic inertia of flood management. They also discuss the psychology of rebuilding in flood zones. Rob also explains attempts to reform federal flood policies and the challenges of finding funding to help people with buy outs. Also: nature based solutions to flooding; being an adaptation professional; organizational approaches to climate mitigation and adaptation and much more!

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In this Episode:

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Role of NRDC in adaptation planning.
  • Why people keep rebuilding in flood zones (and why they are allowed).
  • The institutional barriers to buy outs.
  • Bureaucracy keeps people from moving.
  • The psychology of getting people to move.
  • The insanity of rebuilding in flood zones.
  • Nature based approaches to flood management.
  • Tension in large NGO\u2019s between climate mitigation and climate adaptation.
  • Rob shares who has been most influential to his adaptation development.

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Links in episode
Rob Moore\u2019s Staff page at NRDC:

Seeking Higher Ground: how to break the cycle of repeated flooding with climate smart flood reforms

Blog on same:\xa0 https://www.nrdc.org/experts/rob-moore/seeking-higher-ground-climate-smart-solutions-flooding

Buyouts as part of a strategy for managed retreat/climate adaptation

Going Under:\xa0 how long wait times for post-flood buyouts leave homeowners underwater (report we released a few weeks ago showing that FEMA assistance for a buyout take about 5 years to reach a person whose home\u2019s flooded).\xa0

https://www.nrdc.org/experts/anna-weber\xa0 (Anna, the lead author of the report above) also did a short series of case studies on buyout around the country.\xa0

2017 Video:\xa0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FeCkHZBd-M#action=share

2019 Q&A:\xa0 https://www.nrdc.org/stories/how-long-does-it-take-get-fema-buyout-flooded-homehttps://www.guernicamag.com/four-storytellers-tackle-climate-change/

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Strategies to Address Climate Change Risk in Low- and Moderate-income Communities - Volume 14, Issue 1

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For more information on this podcast, visit the website at http://www.americaadapts.org and don't forget to subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts. \xa0

Podcast Music produce by Richard Haitz Productions
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