Dr. Michael Mann: The Climate Knight Rises Australia Bushfires + Covid19 + Climate Denialism + Michael Moores new Anti-Environment movie and much more!

Published: May 18, 2020, 12:02 a.m.

In episode 112 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons hosts for the third time, famed climatologist Dr. Michael Mann. Mike comes on to discuss his recent sabbatical in Sydney, Australia, just as the bushfires raged out of control. We discuss the conservative media in Australia and how the continent is uniquely susceptible to the impacts of climate change. We also discuss how the anti-science response to the Covid19 pandemic mirrors much of what he\u2019s encountered in the climate denial movement. We also briefly discuss Michael Moore\u2019s anti-green energy movie. Great conversation with the famed \u2018hockey stick\u2019 scientist! \xa0\xa0

Topics covered:

  • Mann on sabbatical in Australia!
  • On location in the middle of the Australia Bushfires.
  • How Covid19 is related to climate denialism.
  • How Michael Moore\u2019s new anti-environment movie is so dangerous.
  • Rupert Murdoch anti-climate media in Oz.
  • Mann just elected to the prestigious National Academy of Sciences!

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Strategies to Address Climate Change Risk in Low- and Moderate-income Communities - Volume 14, Issue 1

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