Deconstructing a Climate Skeptic (Re-release): The Marc Morano Podcast

Published: Sept. 23, 2019, 2:06 a.m.

In episode 97 of America Adapts, which is a re-release of Episode 47, Doug talks with noted climate change skeptic, Marc Morano of Climate Depot.\xa0 Doug and Marc discuss his motivation to be a contrarian voice on climate change and his history working on environmental issues, from being a reporter for Rush Limbaugh, to being chief spokesman for noted climate skeptic Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma. We also talk about the current state of climate affairs.\xa0 In the second part of the episode, Dr. Randy Olson joins Doug to deconstruct the conversation with Marc and to see what the climate change community can learn from Marc\u2019s tactics and motivations. In light of recent major setbacks, e.g., pulling out of the Paris Agreement, Randy analyzes Marc\u2019s approach and offers a way forward to the climate community. Doug includes an updated wrap up, sharing his thoughts on climate change communication.

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In this Episode:

AMAZONIAN ROOTS OF SKEPTICISM \u2013 Marc shares the roots of his climate skepticism and how his early work led him to the positions he now takes.

SHOW ME THE MONEY? -\xa0 Marc and Doug discuss money involved on both sides of this issue. Marc discusses how he is not motivated by money but by his own certainty around climate change science.

MIDDLE FINGER CLIMATE POLICIES \u2013 Marc discusses his admiration for President Trump for thumbing his nose at the establishment and pulling out of the Paris Agreement. Marc also explains how Trump could have handled the pullout more effectively.

Part 2:\xa0 Randy Olson Deconstructs

INTERVIEW ANALYSIS \u2013 Randy discusses Marc\u2019s interview and explains what motivates Marc in his climate skepticism.

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS \u2013 Randy provides some tough love on what the climate community can do next to effectively counter people like Marc Morano. It\u2019s blunt but useful advice.

Interviewed in this episode:
Marc Morano
Randy Olson

*This was an unusual episode, with many references to scientific studies. Fact checking the conversation would have made it impossible to have a useful conversation, but I wanted to include a few resources related to some of the discussions in the podcast. Marc Morano on multiple occasions mentioned the study where there is 97% consensus that climate change is happening and he implied this included people studying areas impacted by climate change (he mentioned a hypothetical scientist studying butterflies) and the implication is that this person would be included in this 97% number. There are multiple studies looking at consensus on this issue, and that\u2019s probably what he\u2019s referring to, but there was a study looking at what publishing climate scientists are saying, and that\u2019s where the 97% number was reached. I thought it was important to clarify that information.

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