Cli-Fi Research: Can Climate Science Fiction Influence Behavior + Interview with MITs Today I Learned: Climate Podcast

Published: May 5, 2019, 2:09 p.m.

In episode 89 of America Adapts, host Doug Parsons interviews Yale-Nus College Asst. Professor of Environmental Studies Dr. Matthew Schneider-Mayerson about his recent literacy research on how \u201cCli-Fi\u201d, or climate change science fiction, can influence a reader\u2019s behavior. Doug is joined in this interview by Cli-Fi expert, Dr. Amy Brady, a previous guest on America Adapts.\xa0 In a bonus conversation, Doug interviews Laur Hesse Fisher, host of a new podcast, Today I Learned: Climate (TILClimate), based out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.\xa0 Discover how this new podcast is teaching climate fundamentals in short, science driven episodes.

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Other Topics covered:

  • Using \u201cCli-Fi\u201d to influence a reader\u2019s behavior.
  • Amy Brady weighs in on need for empirical evidence in the cli fi genre.
  • Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, says \u201cthe future is a distant country.\u201d
  • Using \u201cCli-Fi\u201d to move people from just awareness to actual action.
  • \u201cCli-Fi\u201d can help bring people together to talk about climate change.

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