Bloomberg News: Climate & Adaptation Reporter Christopher Flavelle

Published: June 4, 2017, 11:16 p.m.

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In episode 43 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with the Climate and Adaptation Reporter at Bloomberg News, Christopher Flavelle.

Also in this episode, Doug announces that America Adapts Media is now a 501(c) 3 tax deductible charitable organization! Dan Ackerstein guest hosts a segment asking Doug what this means and how people can support \u2018building a community of adapters.\u2019 Also, Michael Pace, Executive Director of the Social Good Fund, visits the podcast to briefly discuss the Fund, which is now the fiscal sponsor of America Adapts.

Donate to America Adapts, we are now a tax deductible charitable organization!

BLOOMBERG NEWS \u2013 Doug and Chris discuss Bloomberg News and Chris\u2019 unique beat of covering climate change adaptation and resilience issues. Chris also explains why covering climate change is a priority issue for Bloomberg News.

FEDERAL BUYOUT \u2013 Chris and Doug discuss some of his articles focusing on the federal buyout program, Blue Acres.\xa0 Chris explains the challenges for local governments to accept federal buyouts, what they mean for the future of these communities, and how they serve as a case study for future attempts at moving people out of climate danger zones.

\u201cAdaptation is a humble ideology.\u201d

CLIMATE GENTRIFICATION - Chris explains how people in affordable housing will be some of the hardest hit populations by climate change and how an under sourced programs will be further challenged when these communities are forced to evacuate from high impact areas.

ADAPTATION IN THE NEWS - Chris and Doug discuss the many challenges of covering adaptation stories and how these stories will only become more prominent.\xa0

Chris also challenges Doug to find the person most responsible for adaptation policy in the Trump White House. And the challenge was accepted!

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Producer Dan Ackerstein
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Doug can be contacted at americaadapts @ g mail . com .