Bill McKibben and Denis Hayes Podcast: Earth Day, President Trump and the Future of Climate Change Activism.

Published: March 29, 2017, 2:13 a.m.

It\u2019s an Earth Day extravaganza! Earth Day Co-Founder Denis Hayes and climate change icon Bill McKibben visit America Adapts.\xa0 This episode is coming out on the same day that President Trump rescinded the climate change rules established under President Obama. Take action by listening to Bill and Denis share their experiences, as they offer advice on what to do next.

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Denis Hayes, Co-Founder of the original Earth Day and CEO of the Bullitt Foundation

  • HISTORY OF EARTH DAY \u2013 Denis describes the original Earth Day in 1970 and the political environment at the time. Denis describes the bi-partisan nature of environmental issues before President Nixon executed his southern strategy, which further split the parties.
  • ENTER CLIMATE CHANGE - Doug and Denis discuss the unique challenges of climate change and how it might have been dealt with on the original Earth Day. Denis explains how climate change was not yet an issue at the first Earth Day, but then through the 70s, a consensus developed among scientists that it was a growing problem.
  • FROM CARTER TO REAGAN - Denis describes working for President Carter running the Federal Solar Research Institute.\xa0 Denis describes how science and facts were not as controversial as they are today. Denis describes an ambitious effort to reform the energy sector that was ultimately scrapped when Reagan came to power.
  • EARTH DAY 2020 \u2013 Denis and Doug talk about the upcoming 50 year anniversary of Earth Day.
  • THE EMERALD CORRIDOR \u2013 Denis talks about his work at the Bullitt Foundation, which seeks to create a sustainable urban corridor in the Pacific Northwest. Doug and Denis discuss adaptation and challenges of planned retreat.

In the second segment, I talk with climate change legend, Bill McKibben, founder of\xa0

  • BILL MAHER AND CLIMATE CHANGE \u2013 Bill discusses his recent appearance on HBO\u2019s Bill Maher show and how these unique opportunities create opportunities to reach a large number of people (and Bill was quite funny on the show).
  • PRESIDENT COAL \u2013 Bill discusses what the election of Donald Trump means for progress on climate change. Bill doesn\u2019t spin the situation:\xa0 his administration is a pretty devastating development.
  • BIPARTISAN SOLAR \u2013 Bill describes the opportunity for legislative agreement through solar power, which polls extremely well in both parties.
  • ADAPTATION AT 350 \u2013 Doug and Bill talk adaptation and if it takes away from society needing to focus on carbon mitigation.\xa0 Bill says, \u201c\u201cAdapt to that you can\u2019t prevent...but prevent at all cost, that, which you can\u2019t adapt to.\u2019\u201d
  • THE CLIMATE MARCHES ON - Bill discusses the upcoming climate change march on April 29th in locations around the world. We talk about how climate march compliments the science march.
  • YOU AND CLIMATE CHANGE - Bill gives advice on what an individual can do to affect change and how collective action will be the only effective response. .

Links in episode:

Bill McKibben on the Bill Maher Show


Coming up next week on America Adapts, Judge Alice Hill, of the Hoover Institution. Subscribe now to get this in your podcast inbox!

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