Australia Adapts: Climate Change Adaptation Down Under with Dr. Johanna Nalau and Climate Adaptation Expert Donovan Burton

Published: April 14, 2017, 10:32 p.m.

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On the inauIn episode 37 of America Adapts, we kick off the premiere episode of Australia Adapts! Adaptation researcher Dr. Johanna Nalau, Research Fellow from Griffith University in Queensland, Australia joins the show for a semi-recurring segment where we interviews experts in Australia. gural episode, Doug interviews Johanna, which is followed by a segment where Johanna interviews local government adaptation expert Donovan Burton. Learn what adaptation means down under and some of the innovative ways they get local governments thinking about climate change!

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Show highlights:

  • G\u2019DAY TO AMERICA ADAPTS \u2013 Doug introduces Dr. Johanna Nalau, who explains how she discovered America Adapts and how we ended up agreeing to collaborate on a recurring segment.
  • STREET VIEW ADAPTATION \u2013 Johanna introduces adaptation expert Donovan Burton, who focuses on climate planning at the local government level. Donovan shares his own journey in the adaptation field and the growing demand for this type of expertise in Australia.
  • FROM PARIS TO MOOLOOLABA \u2013 Donovan discusses the long, steady embrace of adaptation planning in Australia and how the recent Paris Agreement has supercharged this type of planning in the last year.
  • INFRASTRUCTURE VERSUS ADAPTATION \u2013 Johanna and Donovan highlight how adaptation planning still struggles to compete with traditional infrastructure spending and is generally on the losing end of that argument.
  • ADAPTATION MEETS THE METRIC SYSTEM \u2013 Donovan explains some of the innovative techniques they use to measure adaptation integration.

Australia Adapts Host Dr. Johanna Nalau

Dr Johanna Nalau is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Griffith Climate Change Response Program (GCCRP) and Griffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT) at Griffith University specializing in climate change adaptation policy- and decision-making processes. Johanna is a social scientist whose research focuses on understanding how policy- and decision-makers deal with some of the central assumptions related to climate change adaptation, and the array of factors and processes that drive and constrain climate change adaptation, including constraints emerging from adaptation science and theory. Other current research includes ecosystem-based adaptation, sustainable tourism, traditional knowledge, and disaster risk management, with a recent focus in the Pacific region.

Donovan Burton

Donovan is a climate change entrepreneur. He is an internationally recognized expert in climate change adaptation, where he specializes in helping cities and businesses consider effects and opportunities presented by confluence of climate change and other mega trends.\xa0\xa0 Donovan is the owner of the climate change adaptation consultancy Climate Planning and has delivered almost 150 climate change projects throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Drawing on over a decade of applied adaptation experience Donovan has created a suite of adaptation governance tools to support informed-decision making using a combination of targeted analysis, benchmarking and big data. Donovan is an environmental planner with a first class honors and a recipient of a Wentworth Scholarship. Donovan believes that the private sector can (and should) play a significant role in climate change adaptation.

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Coming up next week on America Adapts, I interview fellow podcaster, Andrew Lewin, host of \u2018Speak up for Blue\u2019, a podcast dedicated to ocean conservation!

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