America's Best Idea: Adapting to Climate Change! National Parks, Scenario Planning and much more!

Published: July 11, 2016, 1:07 a.m.

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Episode 1: Dr. Nick Fischelli:\xa0 In the premiere episode, Doug Parsons talks with Dr. Nick Fisichelli, a forest ecologist and expert in climate change scenario planning. The sometimes humorous conversation covers such diverse topics as climate change planning in the National Parks, adaptation versus resilience, and how scenario planning can be a great tool for planning. Tim Watkins, a science educator, joins Doug for a brief adaptation round table, discussing current events related to adaptation.\xa0 If you're looking for an informative, yet lively and fun discussion around climate change, please listen in!

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Producer Dan Ackerstein
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Doug can be contacted at americaadapts @ g mail . com .
