Adaptation Law and Tribal Translocation

Published: May 1, 2017, 7:43 p.m.

In episode 39 of America Adapts, I talk with Barrett Ristroph, an adaptation and environmental lawyer based in Alaska.\xa0 Barrett is also a PhD candidate studying adaptation planning. Also in this segment, Doug reports back from the massive climate change march in Washington, DC.

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Show highlights:

  • HAWAII MEETS ALASKA \u2013 Barrett describes her journey from Louisiana, to the University of Hawaii, all the way to inland Alaska. Barrett describes being married to a tribal leader in Alaska and the cultural challenges associated with that!
  • INDIGENOUS IN ALASKA - Barrett explains the cultural and legal differences between tribes in Alaska and the lower 48 states.
  • CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS - Doug and Barrett discuss the legal issues and regulatory hurdles of translocating coastal communities impacted by climate change. Barrett describes specific communities that are dealing with bureaucratic hurdles in this process. Barrett describes the complexities of adaptation planning in a legal and regulatory framework that is not designed for climate change. We discuss the potential uses (and downside) of using eminent domain in adaptation planning.
  • CULTURAL EXTINCTION \u2013 Doug and Barrett discuss the broader issue of letting a culture go extinct. What is society\u2019s moral and legal obligation to help tribal communities respond to climate change?
  • AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ADAPTATION PROFESSIONALS \u2013 Doug announces the formal partnership between ASAP and America Adapts! Each will promote the other in various outreach platforms. ASAP will also be a source of potential guests, since it\u2019s a society of adaptation professionals! Check out ASAP here!
  • MARCH FOR CLIMATE CHANGE \u2013 Doug shares a short segment on the recent climate march in Washington, DC. He interviews several marchers (and Tim Watkins!) to get their take on the value and implications of the March!

Links in episode:
Nytimes article on tribal translocation:

Coming up next week on America Adapts, I do micro-podcasts at the National Adaptation Forum in St. Paul, Minnesota!

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Producer Dan Ackerstein
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Doug can be contacted at americaadapts @ g mail . com .