2018 California Adaptation Forum and the 2018 Tyler Prize Winners

Published: May 3, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

In episode 65 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons talks with Julia Kim and Kif Scheuer of the Local Government Commission, and Michael McCormick of the California Governor\u2019s Office of Planning and Research about the upcoming California Adaptation Forum August 27-29th in Sacramento, California.\xa0 They talk about the history of the forum, goals and themes of this year\u2019s forum, and the state of adaptation in California.\xa0

Also in this episode, Doug talks with the 2018 winners of the Tyler Prize, Dr. Paul G. Falkowski and Dr. James J. McCarthy. Established in 1973 by the late John and Alice Tyler, the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement is one of the first international premier awards for environmental science, environmental health and energy. It\u2019s considered the equivalent of winning the Noble Prize in environmental science and policy. Paul and James share some of their research and the important of communicating science effectively.

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