Vessels of Light

Published: March 7, 2022, 10 a.m.


What if personalized color therapy experiences could influence our body, mind, and emotions in a profound way? As designers, we prescribe colors in the built environment to promote positive human outcomes. We know humans are deeply sensitive to the energy of color, but what you may not know is that your unique perception of color is dictated by much more than your eyes. A promising solution to creating personal experiences in a shared space is the Metaverse, and we are going to explore what lies at the intersection of color, humans, and technology. Our guest is Ari Peralta, Founding Partner at Arigami, an internationally recognized playground dedicated to sensory transformation, and Partner at Mycoocoon, a leading color therapy software company. Together, we underscore the need for emotional balance tools in every space, both digital and physical, and how color could be used as a catalyst for personal transformation.

Further Reading:
