Listen With Your Skin

Published: Sept. 7, 2022, 1 p.m.


We rethink acoustic design as we explore everything from vibro-acoustic nightclubs and generative music to ancient Egyptian sound chambers. Sound is more than what we hear in our ears, it\\u2019s what we feel with our entire body. Instead of something to absorb with dense panels and soft furnishings, what if we embraced sound as a design tool that could create better human experiences for everyone? We talk to Gen Cleary, a Wellness Entertainment Sound Producer for some of the world\\u2019s most notable nightclubs and Founder of the HUM, an exhibition launched at this year\\u2019s SXSW that joined music and vibro-acoustic therapy for an immersive healing experience. We also talk to Jon Otis, Founder of the Object Agency and Professor at Pratt, who\\u2019s research and personal passion on the relationship between space and sound offers new ways of experimenting and implementing alternative sound ideas in the built environment.

Further Reading:

The Sound of Space and the Space of Sound
Let's Make Some Noise
