Ch 26 - The Multiverse Blues - Rambling on My Mind

Published: May 13, 2021, 12:01 p.m.

b"Well, dear listeners, this is it, the last episode of The Multiverse Blues. It's been an amazing ride for me. I hope it's been as much fun for you, since you're still here listening to this. I'll go on the record as saying that I don't have plans for a sequel to this story, but you never know. I'm sure some of these characters will show up in the next project, which will also be about wayfarers traveling between the worlds.\\nHave you enjoyed the story? The Multiverse Blues is now a BOOK. Check out Amazon for ebook and paperback versions, with more availability coming soon.\\nIn the final episode of The Multiverse Blues, Jules faces down two armies which threaten the lives of the refugee Tristellians, and the Theta Earth concert crowd that might get caught in the crossfire. How can Jules stop the oncoming slaughter?"