Ch 13. - The Multiverse Blues - Sweet Home Chicago

Published: Aug. 20, 2020, 12:01 p.m.

b'On the run! When Jules is asked for help by a prisoner of the Delta Arch Authority, they can\'t say no, and the two set out against the odds to make an escape. Can Jules help the prisoner escape, without becoming a prisoner themself?\\n\\xa0\\nLast time on The Multiverse Blues: Jules set out to follow their doppelganger\'s directions, using preprogrammed Specs. Along the way, they run into Delta Earth\'s version of their fianc\\xe9e, Samantha, and get a glimpse into their double\'s life in this \'verse. After some delays and tricky situations, Jules finds the secret their twin wanted them to find: a captive Tristellian like Hope, named Coral.\\n\\xa0\\nI\'ve been teasing for a few weeks about giving you a look at what the alien diva Hope looks like. Well, wait no longer, I have posted my artist friend Kirsten Jacobus\'s beautiful rendition of her on The Multiverse Blues page on my website! Just visit\\xa0\\xa0and click on the picture to expand it. You can see Kirsten\'s other work on Deviantart at\\xa0\\nTen years in the making,\\xa0Mean Spirit, the last book in my Tipsy Fairy Tales Trilogy, is now available on! The trilogy tells the story of gamer girl Skye, who has one foot in the fairy realm. Except, they\\xa0don\'t\\xa0like being called fairies. See more about Skye and the Tipsy Fairy tales on my website,\\xa0, under the "fiction" tab.'