Rocky V ft. @RynoRoll (Ryan) | ¿Who Diss? Been Watching ...

Published: Feb. 10, 2021, 4:24 a.m.

Long overdue and thank god @rynoroll (Ryan) was free to jump in or better yet said, beat up on 1990’s “Rocky 5” starring Sylvester Stallone!! Do @whodissis1 and @rynoroll love to hate it or hate it to love it? How did Rocky Jr. grow 5 years between Rocky 4 and Rocky 5?? CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN HOW THE FUCK PAULIE OF ALL PEOPLE IS THE ONE TRUSTED WITH THE STALLONE FAMILY FINANCES??? Punchy Brain/Rocky Logic AND MORE on “Rocky V” - EP 13 of "¿Who Diss? Been Watching" ft. @rynoroll (Ryan) !! Join me EVERY SATURDAY (times vary) on IG LIVE to watch it happen, well... LIVE!!! Comment, ask questions, make suggestions, etc!!! IG LIVE!!: PLUS: I'm always looking for guests to talk about these films in depth and that might just be you!! Hit me up!! DON'T FORGET TO SUB TO THE YOUTUBE!!! WE APPRECIATE YA!!