opening instrumental courtesy of:\n\nKEEP KICKING IT WITH LUNA BYRD!:\n\n\n\nWhat a voice, what a Presence, what a Guest! So grown and wise at such a young age, Singer/Song Writer Luna Byrd comes through (finally lol) for Episode 35! We got to (re)play "Kick It With Me", her current single making the rounds internationally, as well as sit down n chit chat with her about:\n\n- The ORIGIN story you NEVER would have expected regarding her NAME name\n- Her humble beginnings working the K POP industry?\n- Pitbulls > Chihuahuas AND MUCH MORE with Songstress Luna Byrd!\n\nLIKE | RATE | COMMENT | SUBSCRIBE:\n\n\nAudio only/Podcast:\nLIKE | RATE | COMMENT | SUBSCRIBE:\n\n\u2026wARsK0-pvogHBeFQ\n\u2026ar/id1084220877