Im Not Drunk, Im Just Passionate ft. Stephen Pantelides | EP 105

Published: Nov. 15, 2022, midnight

b'Queens Get The Money cuz we got the Comedy too! Just ask Comedian Stephen Pantelides, bout to venture off to America\'s Got Talent and try to tempt Lady Luck into giving him a shot at fame!!\\n\\nCould people confuse you being too passionate about certain things as just being "drunk" instead? Who\'s up there on his comedy Mount Rushmore?? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HOOTERS AT HOOTERS???\\n\\nAlaska has the best p*ssy on the planet (???) AND MORE on "I\'m not Drunk, I\'m just Passionate" ft. @Stephen Pantelides - EP 55 of "AhhFuGGiT" !! \\n\\nSHOW AN AMBITIOUS FUNNY DUDE SOME LOVE/SUPPORT:\\n\\n\\n\\nLIKE | RATE | COMMENT | FOLLOW | SUBSCRIBE 2 AhhFuGGiT!!!\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nDONT FORGET:\\nJoin me SATS at 1 PM EST while I record my movie review podcast "\\xbfWho Diss Been Watching?" LIVE on Instagram!!!\\nIG LIVE:\\n\\nMORE AUDIO VERSIONS OF AhhFuGGiT:\\n\\n\\n\\n\\u2026it/id1084220877'