029 = Product Labels and Public Payrolls

Published: March 14, 2022, 11:09 a.m.

Happy Pi Day 2022!\xa0

In this episode...

* Which edible products have protected names?

* How much tax paid by a civil servant would pass into their own salary?

* And of course. We have AOB-B-B-b-b-b....\xa0

To watch a crack team of 30 calculate 11 digits of Pi by hand, head over to Stand-up Maths on YouTube. \xa0

If you want a qualification of your own, why not take the Food Standards Agency Food Labelling e-course here, or if you'd rather do something else instead, just ask Bec for the source elements.\xa0

Get your Blue Dot Festival problems to us on the website below - we might just do it live!\xa0And, as always, if you've got a problem or a solution, hit us up on aproblemsquared.com.

If you want want even more from A Problem Squared (and who doesn't) find us on Twitter and Instagram